可编程8位正余弦插补细分器, 带 EEPROM
Interpolation rate fully programmable from 1 to 256 steps per cycle
Latency less than 500 ns
Direct sensor connection, selectable input gain, input signal 10 mV to 1.5 V peak-peak differential
Max input frequency 460 kHz at interpolation rate <= 64, 230 kHz <= 115="" khz=""> 128
Differential index gating input with fine adjustable offset (single ended by connection to VC)
Output modes quadrature ABZ, up/down, increment/direction or 3 phase commutation
Programmable filter and hysteresis
Fully re-programmable with access to internal E2PROM to store setup and customer data
Interpolator iC for position data acquisition from analog sin/cosine sensors
Optical linear/rotary encoders
Magneto resistive (MR) sensors/encoders